Mosser Lee Long Fibered Organic Sphagnum Moss 432 cu in
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Product Overview
- Ideal for soil free gardening
- Perfect for hanging baskets and window boxes
- Excellent fill for topiaries
Model#: 110
Sku#: 546178
Internet#: 202745057
This 432 cu. in. Sphagnum Moss can be used anywhere in your garden. Use it to line hanging baskets, grow plants without soil or as a decoration. The organic moss retains moisture so you can water less. Some grass, sticks and vines may be mingled with the moss which do not affect the product's quality and performance.
- Organic, long fibered natural moss
- Use to line hanging baskets or grow plants without soil
- Also suitable for decoration
- High water retention for less watering
- Consumer sized package is convenient and easy to handle
- Natural and renewable
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